Green Energy
Poll: Useful Idiot Of The Year

HERE at Matt's site,
Conservative Hideout 2.0.
My Point Exactly
The Blaze Matt Drudge Goes Off on Republican Party: ‘WHO ARE THEY?!’ Matt Drudge, founder and editor of the influential Drudge Report, is a conservative by all accounts. But at least for Tuesday, he was anti-Republican Party.“Why would anyone vote...
The Obamabots' Sacrilege Of Christmas
(With a hat tip to Matt of Conservative Hideout 2.0) Note this accompanying blurb at YouTube:This coming holiday start a conversation with your friends and family members about why you support President Obama. Whether you're heading out of town or...
The Inhumane Occupiers
As one whose spouse is wheelchair bound, I find the following action by the Occupiers disgusting (hat tip to Conservative Hideout 2.0): More information about the "Occupods" HERE at Conservative Hideout 2.0. As Matt points out:In essence, is this not...
A Failed Congress
Epic fail. Check out these poll results over at A Conservative Teacher (hat tip to Conservative Hideout 2.0:More People Think Ghosts are Real than Think Congress Is Doing a Good Job A poll over the summer of 2010 showed that 18% of Americans think that...
An Idea From Doctor Bulldog
MSNBC wants you to grade Obama’s performance… Let’s have some fun and let this poll go viral on the Conservative websites! Just go to your favorite Conservative blog and leave the link in the comments section. Here’s the link to the MSNBC poll:...
Green Energy