Green Energy
Posts for Nov 2nd: Drug trafficking, "Solidarity among Muslims", Christian burned for refusing to work as a slave, Karzai on drugs' raid, Greece's parcel bombs, Christian graves vandalised

- Al-Qaeda, drug cartels and Chávez, united in drug trafficking: Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez differ in many ways, but they share a common enemy — the United States. And according to U.S. officials, drugs help connect and fund the dangerous networks.
- Iran: "Solidarity among different Muslims' faiths". Of course, Khamenei's fatwa doesn't include non-Muslim faiths...
- Pakistan: Muslim burns and humiliates Christian who didn't want to work for him as a slave: Yaqub Masih said the young man’s refusal to work in Ghuman’s fields infuriated the Muslim, who was accustomed to forcing Christians into slavery. He said Ghuman considered Masih’s refusal an act of disobedience by a “choohra,” the pejorative word for Christians in Pakistan.
- Afghanistan: Karzai criticizes US-Russia drugs raid. He called it a violation of Afghan sovereignty and international law. Russia said more than a tonne of heroin and opium, with a street value of $250m (£157m), was destroyed in the raid.
- Sarkozy among targets of Greece's parcel bombs. Related.
- Turkey: Christian graves vandalised in the island of Imvros (below). On the night between 28 and 29 October the feast day of the Republic founded by Kemal Ataturk, unknown assailants entered, in the cemetery of the island of Panagia Imvros (Goikocea in Turkish) and seriously vandalised 78 graves. A similar act had been committed in these parts 20 years ago.

As The Weird Turns
Iran says drugs are a biological weapon, all part of a US and Zionist plot. Fars: Commander Blames US, Israel for Increased Drug Addiction in World TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian commander took the US and the Zionist regime of Israel responsible for the...
Hugo Chavez And Hezbollah
From this source, dated April 26, 2010:“Today, Venezuela airports are being freely used by drug cartels to export drugs to Europe and the United States,” said Luis Fleischman, senior adviser for the center’s Menges Hemispheric Security Project....
Islam's Religious Tolerance
And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality. Barack Obama - Cairo University WASHINGTON -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a young Christian...
Poppy No-good
By flooding the streets of their enemy with heroin, the Jihadis hope to addict and kill our youth, destroy society and cause massive social problems. The drug trade has helped Islamist terrorist organizations recruit new members by citing drug abuse...
Uk Cemetary: Christian Graves Must Face Mecca
From Dhimmi Watch: This just in from the Islamic Republic of Britain: all graves in this multi-faith cemetery must face Mecca, because otherwise, you see, you'd have Christian graves facing one way and Muslim graves facing another, and that wouldn't...
Green Energy