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Praise Allah And Pass The Stones
Evangelical Christians - in the interest of ecumenism and, well, prison sex, I guesss - have agreed to spend one week a year teaching about Allah.
From the Christian Worldview Network:

PissChrist - A Crucifix Submerged in Urine by Andres Serrano
Following a four-day conference last week at Yale University, Christian and Muslim leaders from around the world announced the first step of the “Common Word” exchange drafted last November. A joint statement was affirmed in their support of religious freedom and further interfaith dialogue based on their common love for God and neighbor.
But something is very wrong with this picture.
Over 140 conference participants unanimously approved a cooperative statement that signaled a “new beginning of collaboration between Christians and Muslims” where stronger assertions of faith would be required. So the statement began by affirming the “unity and absoluteness of God” and God’s merciful love as central to both religions.
Wait a minute! Allah has merciful love? And Allah is central to both Christianity and Islam? Isn’t it devotion to Allah that causes people to strap explosives onto themselves and blow innocent people to shreds? And seems he also encourages some of his followers to cut off heads of the innocent?
In attendance and in agreement, sadly, were both the head of the National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Alliance. Those two organizations represent most evangelicals in America. But both faiths pledged to spend one week a year sharing the good aspects about the other’s faith.
Read the whole thing.
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