In the near future you may see mosques at all the service stations along the motorways of the UK, "pray as you go" is coming, the Muslim Public affairs committee have received the following:
"Just had confirmation that a wealthy muslim family have decided to build a prayer facility on a motorway service station. This will include ablution facilities as well. There are in the process of talking to more service stations to get permisiion so more can be built on service stations. Alhamdulliah, may Allah bless the family. they have done this without hu-ha, without pomp and show. Teaches everyone a lesson.This facility will be on the hilton service station on junction 10a(i think, i will double check). Now there is no excuse to not pray salaah.Dont know when it will be open,like i said, will post when i have more info."
Can you imagine the shopping experience in the motorway stop offs, "Prayer mats "R" Us
Kufr shops to the right, Halal shops to the left, what next I ask, will we be rows of raised posteriors in the car parks.
Interestingly they say this has been done without a hu-ha, well the cat is out of the bag now.
These people obviously wanted to keep this quiet, for very obvious reasons and the planning authorities MUST have also kept this quiet, I wonder why...........Gandalf