While man made pollutants are a problem, Obama and the green fanatics supporting his agenda are arrogant and presumptuous in believing they can control the planet's climate. Global warming may be a fact, but it is a predictable natural cycle known to the credible scientific community.
The further claim that green energy will create more jobs is also a lie. The most recent example is the just leaked report by the Spanish newspaper La Gaceta in which the Spanish government admitted the failure of Spain's green energy program - the very same program that President Obama wants to initiate in the U.S.The The report said that for every green job created 2.2 jobs were lost - we must then ask: to whose benefit?
President Obama's green agenda, it is nothing more than another avenue for him and his 'radical' socialists to control the way we live. Regulating our use of electricity or dictating what light bulbs we must use, is a diversion from the truth and that is Obama's arrogance has not power to control the earths environment. His agenda is simply another avenue to control our lives. As to who really profit's from his plan to "green" America, the only profit thus far seems to be the "green" that is lining Al Gore's pockets.