Has a sitting President
ever allowed another head of state to visit the people's house and insult Americans, then -- worse -- join in an attack on one of
the United States? But, let's not forget -- he's a uniter, not a divider.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has used the start of a state visit to the US to renew his attack on Arizona's controversial new immigration law... Mr Calderon said migrant workers were forced to "still live in the shadows and, occasionally, as in Arizona, they even face discrimination"...

Would this be the same Mexico that routinely imprisons immigrants for six or more years if they don't have their papers? That performs racial profiling
as a matter of national law? That is so corrupt and rife with violence that police are routinely found beheaded by drug gangs?

Who the f*** is does this clown think he is? Coming into our country and telling us what to do when Mexico is about to fall into complete chaos?
Why don't you go camp out on the border, Calderon, and see how you like it, you disgusting twit? You can't even run your own damn country and you want to tell us how to run ours?
But it gets better, as President Axelrod echoed the Mexican President's message, claiming Arizona's border isn't
worth protecting.
...President Barack Obama emphasised a message of solidarity, saying the US and Mexico would "stand together"... Mr Obama has also already been critical of the law, although it had not been expected that he would raise it in discussions with Mr Calderon.
Mr Obama said in a news conference that he had discussed the "misdirected" law with Mr Calderon, and that his administration was "taking a very close look at it", including the civil rights implications... "No law-abiding person... should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like," Mr Obama said... "The Arizona law has the potential of being applied in a discriminatory fashion."
Apparently, like party hack Eric Holder and the incompetent Janet Napolitano, he hasn't read Arizona's bill either.

He just heard about it on MBSNC.
It's as simple as this: Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress are actively working with foreign entities to encourage the violation of federal laws. These violations not only endanger the security of American citizens... not only are massive economic drains on health care, prison, law enforcement and welfare budgets... not only reduce employment opportunities for legal citizens...
but are actively encouraged by Democrats in order to override the votes of American citizens.
That's the modern Democrat Party in action.
It's November or never. The clock is ticking.
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Police state: How Mexico treats illegal aliens From Michelle Malkin This is what a “police state” looks like My syndicated column today responds to Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s demagoguery on Arizona’s immigration enforcement...
Dear President Obama: I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help...
I thought commenter Samenokami was trying an odd attempt at humor when he left this in the comments section, but it is a real story, from Bloomberg: April 25 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared an emergency in his country’s swine...