Green Energy
Prostitution, the Islamic way

Next time you hear some holier-than-thou Muslim lecturing to the inferior Kafirs of Dar al Harb on the supposed superior morality of the Islamic lifestyle, ask them about so-called "pleasure marriages" that are officially sanctioned by Islam.
The 1400 year-old practice of muta'a - "ecstasy" in Arabic - is as old as Islam itself. It was permitted by the [ed: alleged] prophet Mohammed as a way to ensure a respectable means of income for widowed women (and of course pleasure for men). Pleasure marriages were outlawed under Saddam Hussein but have begun to flourish again.
The contracts lasting anywhere from one hour to 10 years, generally stipulate that the man will pay the women in exchange for sexual intimacy. Now some Iraqi clerics and women's rights activists are complaining that the contracts have been less a mechanism for taking care of widows than an outlet for male sexual desires.
Read the rest at Pedestrian Infidel.
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Green Energy