Green Energy
Public Service Announcement
Ok just a reminder to all out there that the day after tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the solemn season of Lent and as such we um. . . ah. . . what? huh? . . .yea yeah sure just a minute um. . .we. . .we. . .oh. . .wow. . .phew. . .um where, where was I?. . .um. . .
oh Hell just look at the pictures I pinched ever so shamelessly from
Joshua Pundit. Tomorrow's Shrove Tuesday we can worry about the rest later. . .

Embrace your Infidel-ity indeed. . .

This oughta really piss off those Crazy Jihadis. . .
Ice Crystals Wonderland Here
From WTOP: We get out of the freezing temps this afternoon. Tomorrow we expect more snow — probably conversational. It's too early in the season for this! Global warming — my ass....
A Different Viewpoint
What really happened with Flight 1549 Oh so SHAMELESSLY pinched from American Sheepdog...
Infidel Art
An Infidel is anyone hated by Jihadis. Infidels include Atheists, Agnostics, Footballs lovers (pigskins), Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, porn stars, beer-drinkers, etc. etc. Hell, if you're a Muslim and your fellow Muslims hate you because,...
Obama's Analysis Of Today's Financial Breakdown Is Either Backwards Or Upside-down
OBAMA TODAY: “I certainly don’t fault Senator McCain for these problems, but I do fault the economic philosophy he subscribes to,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “It’s a philosophy we’ve had for the last eight years – one that says we should...
Crazy Jihadin' Mo's Birthday
This week marks more than Tax Day for the US infidels. This Tuesday also marks Crazy Jihadin' "Prophet" Mo's Birthday. This fine occasion is an official holiday not only here in the Islamic Republic of Malaysia, it's one in the rest of Dar...
Green Energy