Green Energy
Rīgantonā from the Mabinogion
Baby Girl, Daughter #1, turns 23 tomorrow!
This one's for her.

Stevie Nicks
(psst, hey kid! click on the roses)
Class Act
Stevie Nicks Joins Kids’ Band For An Unforgettable Rendition Of ‘Rhiannon’ story here...
Billion Dollar Babies
ALICE! Billion dollar babyRubber little lady, slicker than a weaselGrimy as an alleyLoves me like no other loverBillion dollar babyRubber little monster, baby, I adore youMan or woman living couldn't love me like you, babyWe go dancing nighty in...
Hey Guys! I Turn 49 in November! I'm going to throw a party and to attend you only have to pay half of what you would to attend Obama's! Sun Times: Price to attend Obama's birthday bash: $30,000 July 23, 2010 BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist...
70's Non-schlock
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers American Girl The concert is from 2006 and the backup singer there is Stevie Nicks ...
Happy Birthday!
Daughter # 3 turns 11 today! This one's for her. Lynyrd Skynyrd Sweet Home Alabama Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Love Ya! -- B.D. (psst! sign the kid's card!)...
Green Energy