Green Energy
Rancid Fanatic is Featured Campus Speaker for the Muslim Students Association

Religious and bigotry and racism are ok on American college campuses, as long as they are accompanied by hatred of America and the Western world.
From John Perazzo at Front Page:
During the first week of April, the MSA invited Yasin to appear at five college campuses -- Minnesota State University, St. Cloud State University, Sinclair Community College, the University of Minnesota, and Washington State University -- to rebut charges about the organization’s countenance of religious bigotry and Islamic terror.
Who is Sheikh Yasin? Even a cursory review of his public pronouncements reveals him to be an America-hating religious extremist who candidly justifies Islamic terrorism against the West. Along these lines, he has declared that the 2002 and 2005 terrorist bombings in Bali were reasonable responses to years of Western transgressions.
Of the 9/11 attacks, he maintains that they were carried out not by al Qaeda but by the U.S. government. And, like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the sheikh also believes that a U.S. government lab created the AIDS virus specifically to kill black Americans.
Then there are his theological beliefs. In Yasin's view, all the world's nations should abandon their current forms of government and submit to the strict rule of Sharia (Islamic Law).
No champion of interfaith harmony, Yasin holds that Muslims should not pollute their minds and spirits by taking non-Muslim friends. He dismisses the beliefs of Christians and Jews as "filth." Stressing that the "delusion about the equality of women is a bunch of foolishness," Yasin judges wife-beating acceptable because, after all, the Koran permits it.
As for homosexuals, they may be executed consistent with Koranic mandates.
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