Green Energy
Rant of the Day

Mighty Like a Rose suggested we have a Rant of the Day post, so that commenters can kind of take over the blog and tell us what they are pissed about, what needs attention, or what is just plain old too stupid ...
So, have at it.
Isis Bride Loves It When Her Husband Rapes Their Sex Slave For Allah's "glory"
‘I rejoiced when we had our first sex slave, forced sex ISN’T rape and they should be thankful': Chilling rant of twisted ISIS jihadi bride who justifies kidnapping and abusing Yazidi girlsJihadi bride admits ISIS commit sexual crimes in its...
CNBC Hottie, Maria Bartiromo, directs Santelli-style rant at Democratic SenatorFrom Barrack Now: Perhaps one of the biggest differences between Rick Santelli's 2009 Tea Party rant on CNBC and this rant by CNBC's Maria Bartiromo is that...
Or Get Off The Pot, Please
Continuing in the spirit of the previous post, here's the latest update in the do-they-or-don't-they-have-it? debate concerning the Michelle Obama "Whitey" tape. Either this thing is starting to look promising or it will rank as the top hoax of...
"hizb'allah's New Body Armor"
Here's a great bit of photo madness courtesy of "The All-Seeing Eye" over at The Jawa Report. I love the humor of the post as well as the commenters who both "get it" and just plain don't. Oh, how I wish I could accomplish these feats of photo-manipulation,...
Video: Mohammed Cartoon Protest In Front Of Danish Embassy
Video excerpts from the demonstration are now available for download c/o the NEFA Foundation website (look at the top for the link to "Prophet Mohammed Cartoon Protest"). HT: The Counter-Terrorism Blog Related: 1- Mohammed Image Archive 2- Flemming Rose:...
Green Energy