State Department officials, led by assistant secretary Christopher Hill, are scrambling to salvage the North Korea nuclear accord from failure after Pyongyang missed three deadlines to fully disclose its nuclear program.The North Koreans provided what State officials said was an “incomplete” declaration of nuclear weapons programs that made no mention of EvKorea’s uranium enrichment program, the covert program that first triggered the crisis.
There is no way. Our state dept should just be made to deal with the UN and the whole bunch of them should just be in Geneva, or Basel with easy access to France. The whole world would be a better place. Are they this naive or do they simply wish to be so ineffective as to harm the USA? How could ANYONE take the North Koreans seriously on doing away with a functioning nuclear weapons program?
State officials are not concerned with actually seeing North Korea dismantle its nuclear arms program and are mainly concerned with continuing the “process” of the six-nation talks, according to critics of the process.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill arrives at the Beijing airport on Jan. 10, to discuss the North Korea nuclear issue with his Chinese counterpart. AP/Ng Han Guan
“They are not interested in a deal that will actually produce a de-nuclearized agreement,” said one U.S. official close to the process.
State Department Undersecretary Nicholas Burns (who thank goodness has now resigned-Epa) is a key force behind the failed nuclear talks, along with Hill, who spent last week in Asia attempting to salvage the February 2007 agreement.
Hill said in Tokyo Jan. 7 that North Korea must declare 100 percent of its nuclear programs. “We don't need a 90 percent declaration; we need a 100 percent declaration," said Hill.
Otherwise we will write a really mean letter to them and make them feel bad
Even though the entire planet detected a nuclear detonation there. What use is the state dept, besides as a shill for the Al Saud to create a terrorist state of Sunnis in the west bank? Ms Rice, take it away...."They have not provided a complete and correct declaration. By that I mean that they have not included all of the nuclear programs they have, they have not included all the nuclear facilities they have," he said.
"A partial declaration is really no declaration at all," Hill said after talks with his Japanese counterpart in the six-nation talks, Kenichiro Sasae.
U.S. intelligence agencies have evidence of North Korean highly enriched uranium, but Pyongyang continues to deny having any uranium enrichment.