Green Energy
Reply to Americans
I usually do not publish my entries that carry America-critical overtones here, so as not to give a wrong impression of where I stand. However, in this case I will make an exception. The following is a reply to this post.
Labour of Love
While the well-meaning but -- to put it politely -- slightly one-dimensional Americans tend to throw a hearty "he was a patriot" after every dead Nazi towards hell because HE opposed immigration and THEY don't know their arses from their elbows, i.e. squat about German history, society and mentality, the Austrian liberal newspaper "Der Standard" gives us a more complex insight into the now dead mind of Jörg Haider, governor of the Austrian state of Carinthia, the man who thought that he could always get away with driving at more than 140 km/h on a road designed for 70 km/h.
The question to end all questions is whose fault it was that Haider turned into a Jew-hater -- no, let me rephrase: that "he resorted to political non-correctness". Don't fret, "Der Standard" knows why:"One can regard his antiamericanism and his resorting to political non-correctness as a result of his questionable interpretation of the European past or as reaction to his own rejection, specifically by Israel, who had recalled her ambassador from Vienna when [Haider's then party] the FPÖ became part of the government in 2000. Also, Haider was probably looking out to extend his influence to the international stage, and nobody else wanted him.
Yes, we cried too. If he hadn't been such a cuss with his obsessive antiamericanism, VDare might have even thrown a dirt cheap regular column after him. Who knows, maybe they did and he politely declined. I'm sure he had, in his own way, higher standards than VDare and their ilk.
So Haider really loved the Jews, but, like with his parents before him, this love remained unreciprocated, whereupon he turned into a Jew-hater and flirted with Arab dictators who are, as we all know, nothing but frustrated lovers of the Jews as well.
And if the Mossad hadn't killed Jörg Haider, they would have all lived happily ever after.
Hat tip: Liza!
Should you have missed the link in the above article, notabene that I gave Haider his due in this older blog entry.

When will you Americans finally twig that THERE ARE NO "conservatives" in Germany and that those who can be considered "patriots" hate your guts and will get at your throat rather sooner than later, given the slightest opportunity, Haider and his ilk included. Why, do you think, are they all, left right and center, rubbing elbows even with the most despicable of Islamic dictators? Because they really like them? Their looks? Their smell? Their dress sense? You must be joking.

WHAT we have are brown-painted Socialists, Sacred-Heart Socialists, green-over-brown-painted Socialists, Communists and a tiny, hapless "liberal" party that used to be a receptacle for old Nazis after '45 and which has ousted itself from serious politics by their self-consciously cultivated image of a "fun party".
The staple of all of them is the hatred of America and Jews, which the not-brown-painted ilk insist to call "anti-Zionism" because they are such despicable hypocrites.
Of course, there is the odd honourable, freedom-loving and Western-orientated personality among them. What I am describing is AN OVERWHELMING TREND to which Haider certainly belonged, in spite of all his anti-immigration rhetoric.
And Haider assassinated? You must be joking! By whom and why? He was a colourful, dazzling and charismatic personality, that explained the relative success he had. In a fourth-rate country like Austria, notabene. He wouldn't have stood an icecube's chance in hell in Germany where anti-democratic, anti-American and antisemitic, pardon me, "anti-Zionist", politics are much more effectively performed by the left than by the few pathetic Nazis. That guy thought he could get away with cheating the devil. 15 years ago, he had survived a similar accident without an injury. He sped on a regular basis BECAUSE HE COULD. He was that kind of guy.
Get real!
Haider's Party Claims Jews Assassinated Him
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To Finally Say Something Nice About Haider
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Was Haider Assassinated?
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Joerg Haider (bzÖ Austria) Dies In Car Crash
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Austrian Party That Wants To Bring Back Nazi Imagery Wins Big
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Green Energy