The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war signed on August 27, 1928. Sometimes called the Pact of Paris for the city in which it was signed, the pact was one of many international efforts to prevent another World War, but it had little effect in stopping the rising militarism of the 1930s or preventing World War II.Gertz:
TEL AVIV — Israel must be prepared for an Iranian reconciliation with the West that would require an attack on the nuclear infrastructure of the Middle East power, a report said.The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Israel must prepare to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program alone over the next year. In a report by a leading strategist, the center warned that Teheran would reach an agreement with the United States and its allies that would enable Iran to “pursue nuclear military capabilities.”
"Israel’s military must therefore be prepared for both ground warfare against Islamist extremists and an operation in Iran," the report, titled "The Terrorist Defense Force," said.Maj. Gen. Yaacov Amridor Tomer Appelbaum
The report, released on Jan. 13, was authored by [Res.] Maj. Gen. Yaacov Amidror, who in 2014 ended his tenure as national security adviser for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Amidror, a former head of research for Military Intelligence, has been regarded as one of the leading strategists in the country.
Amidror said Israel was not threatened by conventional militaries in the Middle East. Instead, he cited the growing capabilities of such Iranian-backed proxies as Hamas, Hizbullah and Islamic Jihad, which waged several rocket wars against Israel since 2006.
"Hizbullah’s capabilities most closely resemble those of an army," the report said. "Its arsenal numbers some 150,000 missiles and rockets, several thousand of which have a range that cover the entire State of Israel. This rare and substantial firepower apparently even exceeded the firepower possessed by most of the European states combined."
Amidror said Hamas remained a significant threat in wake of its 50-day war with Israel in July and August 2014. He said Hamas contains 3,500 rockets and could replenish weapons lost in the recent war.
"Hamas has the markings of a well-organized military organization, as well as an impressive ability to learn and improve," the report said. "The Islamic Jihad, largely run and established by Iran, operates alongside Hamas. Although the Islamic Jihad is a small organization with a smaller rocket arsenal of lower quality, it cannot be disregarded as insignificant."Amidror warned that 2015 could mark a fateful year for the Jewish state. He cited the prospect of a war with proxies of Iran, emboldened by a nuclear deal with the West.
"This may be Israel’s main security challenge, and any deal between Iran and the West will make it difficult for Israel to deal with it," the report said. "This means that together with providing ongoing security, the Israeli military must be prepared for both large-scale ground warfare in Lebanon, attrition in Gaza and an operation in Iran — a feat that will be neither easy nor cheap."