Roughly 1440 Years Ago Today Evil Bared Its Teeth In A Smile
Green Energy

Roughly 1440 Years Ago Today Evil Bared Its Teeth In A Smile

Mohammed was born on this day (according to the Islamic calendar) roughly 1440 years ago. He died some 1380 years ago but it seems we’re still dealing with his murdering self that he left in every single one of his followers.

In fact we are having to fight him more than people in his day did. I think the reason being that the people in his day either fought against him, knowing who he really was, and died like warriors or they joined him, knowing who he was, and killed like maniacs. We, on the other hand, can’t seem to make up our minds.

Shame on us all (say: liberals/dhimmis) for we seem to have forgotten what our forefathers stood for and fought against.

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