Green Energy
Rudy Kicked Arafat Out Of Gala Event

I'm saddened by the fact that Giuliani is not doing well in the Caucuses. Many people say Romney understands the terrorist threat. That does seem to be the case. But, there's a difference between understanding a problem, and being willing to do something about it. Giuliani has proven, time and again, that he is willing to take the heat that comes with being a doer, not a talker.
Check this out, from Atlas Shrugs:
On October 23, 1995, Mayor Giuliani hosted a private concert for the United Nations' 50th anniversary. All of the world's leaders were invited except two: Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat. Unlike Castro, Arafat decided to attend anyways and was swiftly asked to leave by Mayor Giuliani.
The uproar was deafening and a State Department spokesman - Nicholas Burns - scolded, "We don't think this is right. (Arafat) is the leader of the Palestinian people, and he is negotiating peace with Israel. He should be given the respect and dignity and hospitality in the United States that the leader of the Palestinian people deserves."
To which Rudy replied, "I would not invite Arafat to anything, anywhere, anytime, anyplace ... I would rather not have someone who has been implicated in the murders of Americans there."
Russian Forensics Experts Conclude Arafat Didn't Die From Poisoning
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Arafat's Deputy Who Deserved To Die
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The Hugh Grant Of Pseudostine?
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Giuliani -"the Reality Here Is That The Islamo-fundamentalist Terrorists Are At War With Our Way Of Life"
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