Green Energy
Running Scared in Red House

As I reported on Wednesday, the Christian Action Network is planning a demonstration on February 20th in Charlotte Court House against the “Sheikh Gilani Lane” road sign at the Muslims of America (a.k.a. Jamaat ul-Fuqra) compound in Red House, Virginia.
But CAN is having ploblems attracting local Charlotte County people to the demonstration. Folks will be coming in from the adjacent counties and Lynchburg, but not from right there in Charlotte County. As Martin Mawyer, the president of Christian Action Network, told me, “The people over there are scared of those guys. They have to live next to them all the time, and they know that there are some bad people down there at the Red House compound. So they just don’t want to get involved.”
I have an acquaintance — I’ll call him Ray — who lives in southern Appomattox County, which is just to the north of Charlotte County. He in turn has a friend in Red House who lives on Rolling Hill Road, a short distance away from the JF compound.
I know that Ray and his friend are both hardy good ol’ boys, the kind of guys who are comfortable with firearms, and not easily intimidated. So I called Ray this afternoon to see if he could help me locate some Charlotte County residents who might be willing to show up at the courthouse on the 20th.
When I asked him about his friend who lives on Rolling Hill Road, a note of apprehension crept into Ray’s voice.
“Yeah, he used to be all gung-ho and say things like ‘we’re not going to put up with this crap’ — he was all ready to take ’em on. But not long ago he ran into one of those Muslims down at the convenience store [at the corner of Rolling Hill Road and SR 727] and got into an argument. And would you believe, that sucker went to his van and pulled an
assault rifle on him. Ever since then he’s been keeping a low profile — he doesn’t want anything else to happen to him, so he’s laying low.”
This is a textbook example of mau-mauing in action. But it’s the most hardcore example of mau-mauing I’ve ever personally heard of.
The Great Jihad operates by stealth. The knife at the throat is not its primary weapon of aggression; it prefers to erode our defenses incrementally, using social pressure, legal action, media manipulation, subversion, and good old-fashioned intimidation.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Yesterday Christine from the 910 Group sent me the following in an email:
So now the [Charlotte County] Board of Supervisors has voted to honor one of the worst known terrorists with a commemorative road sign. Their chances of replacing the 450 lost textile jobs, or attracting tourism or new businesses just fell — they’re losing jobs, having to replace tobacco, and have an aging population. And now, to solve all their problems, they’ve decided to coddle Jamaat ul Fuqra. They’ve attained the distinction of being the one county to officially honor Sheikh Gilani. It’s something to remember when Board elections come around again.
By voting to keep the sign, the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors has insulted the entire Commonwealth of Virginia, not just their own citizens.
We need to create a national focus on their idiocy — as long as they make it a local fight, they’re fighting on JF’s terms.
Now that they’ve voted, it just became a national fight. That is what the 910 Group is all about. These little local fights are NEVER local.
CAIR and similar organizations operate by attacking individuals. Islamofascists are hunters — they cull the weakest, only going after those who are away from the herd. Bullies only attack the weak
The trick is never again to be trapped into thinking that something is local and others can’t help. The Counterjihad is always global. When the Board voted to support that sign, they made this an international issue involving Pakistan, and not just a state issue that shames all Virginians.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The demonstration on the 20th will go ahead as planned, with or without Charlotte County residents.
On the very slight chance that someone who reads this blog is a Charlotte County resident, or knows a Charlotte County resident: see if you can find a retired marine, or a VFW member, or an Iraq war vet, or maybe an off-duty state cop. Someone who’s not easily intimidated by punks with weapons. Somebody who wants to stand up for this country before it turns into France.
Have that person make his presence known. The date is February 20th. The place is Charlotte County Courthouse, at the junction of VA 47 and VA 40, right in the heart of Southside Virginia.
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Green Energy