MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian diplomat warned the West on Wednesday against trying to paralyze Iran by targeting the Islamic Republic's energy and banking sectors with crippling sanctions.
Russia has in recent weeks signaled growing frustration with Iran over its nuclear program, though Moscow has given few indications about what sanctions it might be prepared to sign up to in the United Nations Security Council.
The United States has said it hopes to see sanctions against Iran in a matter of weeks and Israel has pressed Russia to back crippling sanctions, though the Kremlin has steered clear of openly supporting calls for further U.N. sanctions.
Oleg Rozhkov, the deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's security affairs and disarmament department, said Moscow would only consider sanctions aimed at strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
"Call them what you want -- crippling or paralyzing -- we are not got going to work on sanctions or measures which could lead to the political or economic or financial isolation of this country," Rozhkov told reporters in Moscow.
This will only end one way.
Whether Iran does it, Israel does it, or eventually we do it.
Only one end.
Maybe Moscow needs the $$ that badly, or they really believe a few nukes near Haifa and Tel Aviv won't affect the world so much and benefit them. Especially since Hormuz will be a battle zone of immense proportions making Russian gas and oil stable, secure, and unbelievably expensive.
But a regional nuclear war, which IS what is going to be the result will leave fatal fallout all over southern and far eastern Russia, sooner or later.
What is also significant is the rapidity with the Russian showed their 'respect' for this administration, which less than a week ago expressed the NEED for such sanctions, and this morning moved to impose vastly more strict banking sanctions (stupid anyway).
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