Green Energy
Saddam Pisses His Pants

Now that Saddam has had a bit of time in his cell thinking over the reality that he will be executed his behavior has been a bit different. Funny that the media isn't reporting on it (from USS Neverdock):
The media did not report his behavior since he reappeared, Saddam's legs were shaking and he could not stand a number of times when called upon. The sources said that the video filmed for the court shows that the bailiff had to help him stand, and that he was wobbly once he stood up, and when he was spoken to he appeared bewildered and did not know what to say except invoking God’s mercy. As Saddam was escorted back to his cell he sends word to the judge Raauf asking for mercy and clemency. This information was confirmed by the court today.Of course, if the media were to report on the new Saddam, you can be sure the spin would be that we were trying to pre-empt his executions by drugging him to death over time.
Saddam's Wmd's Found?
The Jerusalem Post is reporting that a joint US-Israel report will soon confirm that Saddam's WMD have been found in Syria, just as all of us right-wing wackos have always suspected: An upcoming joint US-Israel report on the September 6 IAF strike...
Saddam & Al Qaeda, Details, Schmetails......
Courtesy of Powerline, it appears the media jumped the gun and skipped the details, regarding the Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda link. Not surprising, since it fits into MSM's anti-war agenda. He quotes The Weekly Standard's Steve Hayes: A new Pentagon...
Saddam Is Still Dead
In today’s New York Times the editors continue to anguish over the execution of Saddam. The Times is joined by Chris Hitchens. Let’s skip all the usual refutations of this superfluous and dissolute hand-wringing; Saddam’s treatment after his capture...
On The Day Of Saddam's Death
A little tribute to Saddam, from the boys at South Park. And, for anyone who has trouble understanding why Saddam needs to die, read this, and remember that there are always people trying to spring a dictator from his prison and install him back in...
The Saddam Tapes
AP photo from the March 13, 1006 Washington Times (All emphases by Always On Watch) From the March 13, 2006 article, "Tapes reveal WMD plans by Saddam," which appeared in the Washington Times: "Audiotapes of Saddam Hussein and his aides underscore the...
Green Energy