San Bernadino Female Scuzlima Jihadist's Name is Bullshit - It's a Man's Name ...
Green Energy

San Bernadino Female Scuzlima Jihadist's Name is Bullshit - It's a Man's Name ...

The Reason It's Hard To Find Photos of the Scuzlima Cunt 
Is Because She Wore a Burqa Most of The Fucking Time

From Hot Air:
Malik also means ‘king.’ Therefore, when the name of the female terrorist was revealed as Tashfeen Malik, it seemed wrong. 
I searched around for her background and the names of her parents. Those were found, but the parents’ names were different from her’s and the implicit question in my mind remained: would a Pakistani girl raised in Saudi Arabia be named Malik? 
I raised this question to my Facebook friends and one of them came through with a link from Palestinian ex-terrorist, ex-Muslim Walid Shoebat. 
Tashfeen Malik is a man’s name. Oh and not just any man. Tashfeen Malik (King) is a nom de guerre for a Muslim Jihadist from the annals of Muslim history. As he is known to Muslims “تاشفين ملك الموحدين” Tashfeen Malik Al-Muahideen, in English: 
Tafhseen King of the Unitarians (Muslims) and the conquerer of the west. 
The history stems from when Yusuf ibn Tashfin led the Muslim forces in the Battle of Zallaqa/Sagrajas. He came to Andalusia from Morocco to help the Muslims fight against Alfonso VI, eventually achieving victory and allowing the Muslims to remain in Spain for centuries. 
The battle has been symbolic for Muslim victory against the Christians. 
To recap, a terrorist using a fake name and a fictitious address came into this country on a K-1 fiancé visa. And she was “vetted” by our government. 
Does President Obama intend to flood the zone with terrorists by allowing many more like her into the country under the guise of being poor, tired, hungry, cold refugees? 
Forget I asked.

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