Green Energy
Sawyer Effusive About The Beauties Of Potemkin Village

Oh yes, Ms. Sawyer, look what we have here, Happy Children (hat tip to USS Neverdock):
On Thursday's World News on ABC, Diane Sawyer checked in from North Korea, but she proved little more than a conveyor belt for the repressive communist regime's propaganda. Talking to a North Korean Army General, she relayed how “he said to us, 'make it clear to everyone in the United States, if there is another nuclear test, the person responsible is George Bush,' because he said, 'the Bush administration is backing North Korea into a corner with its pressures and its sanctions.'" Sawyer helpfully added that “the General said to us, he does want peace. And he also said, again, reiterated, North Korea will not be the first to use a nuclear weapon.” How reassuring. In a second segment, Sawyer was taken to a school which she favorably described as “a world away from the unruly individualism of any American school." She gushed: “Ask them about their country, and they can't say enough." A teenage girl declared, in English: “We are the happiest children in the world.” Sawyer ended her piece with video of her and the class singing "Do-Re-Mi" from the Sound of Music. Far from being embarrassed by Sawyer's obsequious approach, anchor Charles Gibson proposed: "A fascinating glimpse of North Korea." Damn it, she must be a ditz. What a disgrace.
Abc Whitewashes Islam
ABC’s 20/20 show on Islam was a complete whitewash. Diane Sawyer pretended to show both sides by allowing critics to raise questions about Islam’s defects only to have Muslims reply “oh, no, that’s not true.” There was no examination of the...
I wondered if McChrystal didn't calculate this to some degree. If he has been hamstrung by Obama on how to fight this war, he certainly put Obama in a tough spot. Why else would a commanding general give an interview to, of all the rags in all the...
North Korean Envoy Warns War Could Erupt Soon
Newsmax: Thursday, 03 Jun 2010 09:23 PM GENEVA – A North Korean envoy said on Thursday that war could erupt at any time on the divided Korean peninsula because of tension with Seoul over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March. "The present situation...
North Korea Ready To Negotiate?
Whether or not the nuclear test did take place is not yet clear but it drew condemnations and concerns all over the world: # North Korea nuke test draws condemnation AP # Russia: NKorea test greater than reported AP # Bush says N. Korea nuclear test a...
North Korea In Nuclear Test Claim
If this is true, it'll have an effect of an avalanche on a world politics. (BBC) North Korea says it has carried out its first ever test of a nuclear weapon, the state news agency has reported. It said the underground test, done in defiance of international...
Green Energy