Green Energy
Sci-Fi Jihadi Chic
I don't think you could convince me that these new designs, from Spring Fashion Eurabia, are not influenced by the Islamic Burqa. (brought to you by Death by 1000 Papercuts)

If the Jihadi idiots currently whipping up anger towards the West over cartoons had any sense, they would realize that this fashion is actually more Islamophobic than any of the dreaded drawings. The cartoons did not criticize Islam as a whole. They were, instead, drawn with a narrative in mind, a narrative which said, "We must be able to speak freely, and we can not let terrorists stop us from doing so."
But, these fashion designs are actual ill-humored takes on the dehumanizing effects of Islam. By borrowing from Sci-Fi themes, the designer expresses his fear of the future under Islam.
Maybe Rage Boy, if he could just rediscover his old serious self, ought to be rioting about this.
Drop Talk Of Impeachment, Now
NO. Absolutely NO. The attempt would do precisely what the Clinton impeachment did for Clinton, and divide the nation further. All to get Biden, who would then run as an incumbent prez?I assure you, that men like Henry Jackson, Hubert Humphrey, and Harry...
Bin Laden Threatens Western World Over Cartoons
What a friggin' idiot he is (from AP): CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden criticized the publication of drawings insulting to the Prophet Muhammad in a new audio message posted late Wednesday and warned Europeans of a strong reaction to come. The message,...
Why The 'islam' Reference In A Couture Op-ed?
Ahh, late August, when the September issues of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and their lesser competitors appear. I admit, I am a fashion magazine addict. I usually stick to the pictures and just skip the articles about just which outfits-I-can't-afford,...
Borders Books Policy: The Koran Is On Top
Yes, that's right, the koran must go on the top shelf. Yesterday, we saw that Borders will not carryan issue of a magazine they ordinarily carry, because the magazine ran the Mohammed cartoons. Now, today, here's an email (sent to LGF) from a...
More Cartoon Tantrums
The losers of the Al-Aqsa Brigades threw an anti-Danish hissy-fit in Nablus. Dozens of al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades members held a demonstration against Denmark Sunday at the main square in the West Bank town of Nablus, shouted anti-Danish slogans and...
Green Energy