Green Energy
Second Amendment Updated (yeah, no kidding. a bit like this :)
It occurs to me I haven't written any gun stuff or posted any gun pics lately. Which I correct forthwith.

(you expected an article? I buy it for the pictures. . .)
most pics swiped from
hereUpdate -- Oh, ok. Some words. All these fine folks are holding guns. But what's missing in the pictures? RIGHT! Whenever you're doing recreational shooting make sure you wear eye & ear protection. And whatever other protection you feel you may need when firing your... ...gun. Thus endeth the Public Service Announcement.
Iranian Actress Banned From Acting For Posting Online Pics Without Hijab
From Yahoo News: An Iranian actress has been banned from acting and branded ‘immoral’ after she posted pictures of herself online without her hijab. Sadaf Taherian put the pictures of herself on her Facebook and Instagram pages in protest against...
Infidel Babes Of The Week?
Are YOU going to argue with them over it? The Blaze: 46 Reasons Why Iran Should Think Twice Before Attacking Israel (Hint: Women With Guns) Iran has been beating the war drums this week. But the Ayatollah and the Iranian Guard should know what they’re...
Oh Wow. . .
Ok, you all know I can't resist posting pics and vids of good looking women with a guns. So I'm a lecherous dirty old man. A badge I wear with honor :) h/t Jawa ...
Overheard on Fox just now (roughly): "You were just talking about how someone had heard gunshots and you said no one is sure who was shooting. Well, there's only one side in Iran that has the guns and that's those controlled by the Supreme leader."...
Another Jihadi Rally In London
Last week there was a rather pathetic turnout for the Islamic rally held in central London under approval of Ken 'supporter of Islamic terrorism' Livingstone. So they went and organised another one for today. Who knows, maybe this will be a weekly...
Green Energy