Green Energy
Selective Justice
Remember my post, The problem with priorities?, in which I compared photos taken of the left during President Bush's time in office, to photos taken at the Tea Parties? I spoke about how the media glossed over the vile and filth of the left yet, the tame signs thrown up at the Tea Parties, garnered screams of rightwing extremism.
Zomblog has taken this many steps further.
Here is a teaser:

Fake Photos Promote Sympathy For Pseudostinians
Here's one: That child was killed by a Hamas rocket, not by Israel. Gateway Pundit has more information HERE. Photos such as the one above are all over the front pages of the mainstream-media newspapers, thereby promoting hatred of Israel. Once once...
Muslims Make Up Fake Genocide In Burma
Muslims are claiming Buddhists are killing them by the hundreds and thousands in Burma. The news is spreading on Social Media and YouTube. I will not link to it because I don't want any hits from us adding to their facade of credibility. Anyway, as...
Unemployment Figure Rises By 1
HEY! Ya'll remember this from the April Tea Parties? Well, according to Media Bistro, Susan Roesgen's (angry liberal non-biased bitch/reporter)contract has not been renewed by CNN.h/t Dr BulldogSusan Roesgen Out at CNNBreaking: TVNewser has learned...
Obama Reverses Position On Release Of Detainee Abuse Photos
Waffles has got nuthin' on this guy for changing his mind. . . Washington Post: Obama Reverses Position on Release of Detainee Abuse Photos By Michael D. Shear and Scott Wilson Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, May 13, 2009; 1:10 PM President...
Self Fulfilling Prophecy:dep't. Of Homeland Security Warns Of Radicals ..on The Right
I am trying to imagine what would have come tumbling out of the media if George Bush and HIS Dept of Homeland Security had published warnings about radicals from the ACLU But since the left is interested in social justice, those who warn against them...
Green Energy