Sierra Club President Says "The Science is Settled", Doesn't Know There Has Been an 18-Year Long Pause in Global Warming
This is a shocking video to watch.
First, though, Ace notes:
The amazing thing here is not that the guy disagrees -- what's amazing is that he doesn't seem to know what Ted Cruz is even talking about. He does not know what "the pause" refers to (it's the 18 year long pause in predicted global warming), and has to rely on advisors throughout the questioning.
At no point does he seem to even show a glimmer of recognition of this fact.
This is all new news to him.
He's not aware of it at all.
The camera shows us that he asks his advisors how to answer the question. They tell him to say, "We rest on our evidence."
Ted Cruz asks another question. This time the camera avoids showing him asking his advisors for help in asking the question, instead, focusing on Cruz sitting their waiting for an answer.
And the camera people do this repeatedly, seemingly proving they don't want the President of the Sierra Club to look bad.
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