Green Energy
Silencing Voices

About the shuttering of
Bare Naked Islam for the second time in a month....
We are living in Orwellian times.
A few days ago, I posted THIS here at IBA: "The End Of Blogging?" SOPA
looms. Its power to silence voices is nearly unlimited.
It's not farfetched to realize that our days of freedom of speech on the web are numbered.
Furthermore, I expect that 2012 will bring the closing of all sorts of web sites, particularly blogs that are controversial.
I won't quit speaking out until my blog is shuttered by the forces of silencing voices, until I'm in jail, or until I die. After all, I'm an old woman. I don't have much to lose, really. The life I loved ended when Mr. AOW had his crippling stroke in 2009.
But I doubt that younger folks feel the way that I do. And I can't blame them for feeling that way.
"Life goes on, even after the thrill of living is gone."
I'm Still Here
But life is very difficult right now because of Mr. AOW's condition post-stroke. In fact, compared to the kind of life this household was living a year ago, the situation now is hideous. Read the update as to why I'm barely posting or commenting...
Tonight On Kfnx Talk-radio
[Image courtesy of Stogie] Thursday, October 9, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, WC and I will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100. See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are in a different time zone than Phoenix, Arizona;...
Tonight On Kfnx Talk-radio
[Image courtesy of Stogie] Tonight, September 11, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, WC and I will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100. See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are in a different time zone than Phoenix, Arizona;...
Tonight On Kfnx Talk-radio
[Image courtesy of Stogie] Tonight, September 4, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, Pastorius, webmaster of Infidel Bloggers Alliance, will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100. See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are...
Tonight On Kfnx Talk-radio
Tonight, July 24, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, Pamela Geller will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100. See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are in a different time zone than Phoenix, Arizona; click directly on the...
Green Energy