Green Energy
SIOE Blog Shut Down In The Netherlands
Dutch blogs are in trouble. We get the report from Kleinverzet:
This last week saw a curious crack down on Dutch blogs that do not quite adhere to the goodthink deemed acceptable by our 'betters'.
Today we learned that Wordpress took down the blog managed by SIOE Nederland. According to Nieuw Religieus Peil (NL) Wordpress took the site down after receiving complaints:
We have received several complaints about your blog including complaints from
the Dutch government. Your blog contains "hateful or racially or ethnically
objectionable" content which is against our terms of service
After which the good (and brave) people of Wordpress took immediate action, resulting in this:

Go read the whole thing at Kleinverzet.
Bare Naked Islam Has Been Taken Down By Wordpress Thanks To The Jihadists At Cair
barenakedislam barenakedislam . Looking for a new host now.4 hours ago Retweeted by @creepingsharia PR Newswire reported: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that an anti-Muslim Internet hate site that contained a number...
Bare Naked Islam Shut Down
UPDATE: As my friend Pastorius (who was that masked blogger?) just pointed out to me Bare Naked Islam seems to be humming along just fine. In fact, there were posts the same day and through the weekend after what Pam labeled their "Last Post". That post...
Typepad And Wordpress Each Shut Down An Anti-jihad Blog
Is there some misunderstanding here? Or, is the boot of fascism coming down on the necks of truth-tellers? Both of these bloggers wrote against the Saudi agenda specifically. Do you think the Magical, Mystical Kingdom may have something to do with this?...
Stop The Demonizing Of Geert Wilders
From the website for Stop the Islamization Of Europe (SIOE) whose masthead proclaims, "Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense." Islamists and their dhimmi allies who oppose Geert Wilders want to stop...
Followup On Google News
A week ago on my blog I mentioned that an Arab joke group blog, KABOBfest, was being indexed by Google News as a legitimate news site. The posting got picked up in a number of blogs and Google decided to act. Of course, Google News could not bring itself...
Green Energy