1) Children up to 26 can now be on daddy's insurance longer
2) Children with pre-existing conditions cannot be refused new coverage
Obama has challenged the republicans to repeal that.
They don't have to do a damned thing.
Besides the ending of write offs for Rx coverage for retirees on plans which the federal govt already just ended for corporations who fund Rx coverage for retirees (see here), Republicans should concentrate on asking what OTHER mandates the feds are going to come into the kitchen and demand you do, purchase or behave.
Maybe they think Canola oil mayo (yellow top) will have a beneficial effect that Olive oil won't (green top) and demand you purchase one jar per week and tell you the IRS will be going over receipts electronically as you SSN goes into all supermarket purchases as your healthy foods quotient is graded so that health expenses remain under control.
Reductio al absurdum?
Ok nevermind, repubs watch this.
If 1) above represents x hundred thousand - to x million 19-26 year old now suddenly covered, what happens to dad's premium?
If 2) above represents some truly UNKNOWN number, what happens to ALL premiums since there is no way to guess the true impact?
No qualitative judgment on good or bad here, JUST COSTS.
There is no point is having any unaffordable benefits. They will ultimately be a chimera.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
Law of Nature
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