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So Turkey wants to join the EU...
Well, let's see...
Case 1. A Muslim teen murders a prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist by shooting him three times almost at point blank and shouting "I shot the non-Muslim". What do you think should be the reaction of a Turkish official to this?
Sevket Kazan, Deputy of the Saadet Party (SP) of Turkey, argued that the CIA and Mossad planned and organized the murder of Armenian Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. "The boys were used in Trabzon and in Sisli attacks and murders, but the real murderer are the CIA and the Mossad" he said. Sevket Kazan further continued in his Diyarbakir speech: "Armenian journalist Hrant Dink is a victim of an assassination. Of course, it is an event to be condemned.... Both a priest in Trabzon and Dink were killed by boys under 18. The CIA and the Mossad are behind all these murders, yet they use domestic tools for these crimes. Their main aim is to destabilize Turkey."
Case 2. A Turkish father takes his daughter for a walk. (hat tip: The Religion of Peace)

Would you like
these to happen in your streets, Europe?
Crossposted at Eye On The World.
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