Green Energy
Solana: We Are All Proud to be Pusillanimous Dhimmis

One site that should be on every blogger's bookmarks is Arab News. This website for Saudi Arabia gives a good idea of the threat we face. Recently, in Jeddah, they had a Economic Conference. That's where Al Gore begged for forgiveness and promised to let into the US as many suicide bombers as the Saudis want. Today, they had an article about Solana. The EU's foreign policy cheif Solana groveled at the Saudi's feet on the West's behalf -
“We have decided to work together to overcome the consequences of the present crisis,” said Solana. “The OIC is very close to our heart, the heart of Europeans. The reason for this visit is to show our respect for the OIC and through the organization respect for all the people represented by this organization.
“We feel a profound respect for the Islamic world, Islamic people and the Islamic countries. We never wanted to offend the feelings of the Muslims. This was not our intention, this has never been our intention nor will it be in the future.
“We are ready to devote as much time as is required to rebuild. We want to renew the dialogue ... a dialogue that had never been cut off. We need good cooperation. We need to understand each other. We have values that we share, the value of tolerance. The Europeans need a solid relationship with you and, I think, you need a solid relationship with us,” said Solana.
His counterpart Secretary-general of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Ihsanoglu is pushing for new EU laws and UN declarations banning trashing Mo and Islam. Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?
Also check out this bizarre Stockholm Syndrom victim's visit to Saudi Arabia. Has the West gone insane?
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Green Energy