Green Energy
Sometimes Only A Rant Will Do

Over at
Maverick News Media, a commenter yesterday stopped by at a posting I did back in June, a full six months ago. "Jihad Schmihad" left the following
comment, and I just have to share it:
Muslims need to give it a rest! Enjoy life! Not everythin that is enjoyable in life is a sin! SYOP KILLING PEOPLE!!!!!!! You guys are the only ones whose religion justifies MURDER!!! ALL THIS KILLING, and rligious fanatisicm over mohammed hallutionation in the desert a mere 2000 years ago?? HAVE YOU SEEN GOD??? HAS HE COME DOWN HERE AND TOLD YOU WHAT IS TO BE DONE??If i had a hallucination and told you god told me to chop off my penis and the penis of all others to go to heavan = would you idiots do it?? According to the koran, the guys who crashed their planes into the World trade center will go to heaven and receive 40 virgins.. haha.. like god is going to say here - heres your penis, sleep with all these girls even though it was against your religion on earth... what idiots! Focus on living a good life, be good to each other.. STOP KILLING AND fORCABLY CONVERTING PEOPLE OVER YOUR MANMADE RELIGION! Theres a reason the entire world is against muslims right now..Because your religion has led you to behave like complete savages...Stop being so narrow minded.. have a little sex... laugh a little .. have funn.. because you dont personally know what comes after this.. but Im sure god wont penalize you for having a good heart if you choose not to follow some mans hallucinations in the desert.. i would NEVER let anyone i know date a muslim.. Theyre crazy!!! and have you ever heard of a muslim convertin during marriage?? NEVER! DO they let their mates keep their religion during marriage? NEVER! Stop spreading this religion of hate..
I love it when a commenter just can't hold back!
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Green Energy