Green Energy
Stop the Jihad on Campus

This from
The Terrorism Awareness Project on their upcoming event, one of the most practical ways to raise general awareness of the terrifying brilliance of the Islamic memeplex and the clever ways Jihadis have infiltrated college campuses (sometimes even subsidized by the U.S. government):Students on over 60 campuses signed up to host events during our third “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.” Universities from all around the world, including schools in Canada, Glasgow University in the UK and Leiden University in Holland, will be participating in our campaign which will be entitled “Stop the Jihad on Campus.”
The Terrorism Awareness Project has released a video regarding the activities and behaviors of the Muslim Students Association, including information about the inflammatory anti-American and anti-Semitic speakers, often subsidized by student government funds, who are hosted by the Muslim Students Association chapters. You can watch our video here or at our YouTube Channel. The video is three and a half minutes long.
Hamas Proxy Organizations Operating On U.s. College Campuses
From the Clarion Project: Groups like the Muslim Students Association (MAS) and the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) spread their extremism on campuses. Hamas proxy organizations operating on U.S. and Canadian college campuses are propagating...
One Small Victory For Defenders Of Freedom
As Muslim Student Association (MSA) chapters have become increasingly influential at universities and colleges around the country, critics have charged that it is a hate group that sympathizes with the international jihad and promulgates an anti-American...
Islamofascism Awareness Week Ii: On A Campus Near You
It's this week, April 7-11. From Front Page: The Unholy Alliance’s worst nightmare is back. Patriotic students at more than 100 campuses will host Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week II this week, April 7-11, to educate the public about the threat of...
Muslims Against Sharia Give Uc Berkeley The Dhimmi Award
As a part of "Islamofascism Awareness Week", Nonie Darwish spoke at U.C. Berkeley on October 22. As usual, Islamofascists and their Dhimmi supporters have shown their unwavering resolve to crush any type of dissent. One the members of the "Students...
Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Student Associations Gradually Introduce Shria Law
The following is posted on behalf of WC, who can no longer post here because of Blogger's glitches: The Institutional jihad continues and the poor little dhimmis in the non-Muslim world haven’t a clue as to what happening to them, their institutions...
Green Energy