Green Energy
Storm Track Appeasement: Conspiracy? What Conspiracy?

Denmark has decided that there is no longer a need to study the Hizb ut-Tahrir's international terror connections and financing.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Chicago: Terror Supporters, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Event Canceled At Marriott Hotel From Jawa: Good news! Hats off to the Marriott.. R.E.A.L. The Chicago Marriott Oak Brook hotel states that the July 11 public conference by the Hizb ut-Tahrir America will...
Storm Track Intimidation: Danish Publisher Shows Its Anti-dhimmitude
The Danes continue to bristle at attempts by the Islamists to impose their will on a free society. Even us Random House refuses to publish the Jewel of Medina and shows their subservience to Islam, a Danish Publisher will not be so intimidated. Denmark...
Storm Track Disinformation: Saving Private Ryan A Zionist Conspiracy
Is there nothing that doesn’t upset radical Muslims? They’re as bad the Committee onUn-American Activities who feared communists under every bed. Now, Iran, that enlightened pinnacle of the Shiite Revolution, finds a Zionist conspiracy in the movie...
Winds Of War: Poor Little Sheep That Lost Its Way
While Britain falls deeper and deeper into Islamic appeasement, you wonder why they haven’t learned lessons of WW II even while they mourn the victims of that appeasement 70 years later. Read the rest at The Gathering Storm....
Storm Track Intimidation: Saudi Prince Threatened Britain With Terrorism
The Saudis are flexing their oil muscle. First it was a Saudi billionaire causes a book on terror financing to be withdrawn by a publisher, now a Saudi Prince threatened Britain with another 7/7 attack if unless British corruption probes into Saudi arms...
Green Energy