Green Energy
Storm Track Appeasement: How to Boil an Infidel Frog

Islamist are on a roll – the
Empire State Building bathed in Islamic green as today’s example. The Islamist are well versed how to boil a frog. In this case – the infidels.
For those of you who are not aware of the boiling frog process, it goes like this. You can’t throw a frog into a pot of boiling water. He’d jump right out. So, you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly, very slowly, turn up the heat until it’s too late and he boils.
The Iranians have been slowly boiling the free world’s frog now for some time
and they’re about to get what they want.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
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Taking The Jihad Temperature - A Gathering Storm Special Series - Infiltration
If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. If you put it in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will not notice the rise in temperature and will eventually boil. The Islamists are boiling our frog and though this blog and hundreds...
Taking The Jihad Temperature - A Gathering Storm Special Series
If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. If you put it in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will not notice the rise in temperature and will eventually boil. The Islamists are boiling our frog and though this blog and hundreds...
Boiling Point
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Green Energy