Green Energy
Storm Track Appeasement: US Detention Has Its Pluses

Weasel Zippers did an accurate congruence of the behavior of the American Criminal Liberties Union – the ACLU.
On the one hand, the ACLU is all in a tizzy over the U.S. military holding about 500 juveniles suspected of being "unlawful enemy combatants" in detention centers in Iraq while on the other, detainees in Iraq are refusing to leave there cushy surroundings.
So, I wonder what the ACLU is bitchin’ about?
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
“the Equal Treatment Of Gay Couples Is More Important Than .. Free Speech Rights”
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The Aclu Advises Moslems
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Storm Track Appeasement: Now The Aclu Is Making State Policy
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From Skokie To Cair...the End Of The Aclu
By way of Big Pharoah In 1978 a jewish ACLU lawyer defending offensive speech won the right for the nazis to exercise free speech and march in Skokie IL, a city in which 1 of 6 inhabitants was either a holocaust survivor or a an immediate family member...
Green Energy