Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: Honor Killings? You Must Be Misinformed

You’re Muslim girl. You fall in love. You deserve to die.
That’s the reason a Muslim father beat his daughter to death two weeks ago after becoming infatuated with a British soldier in Basra. The father, Abdel-Qader Ali, explained why he is unrepentant - and how police backed his actions.
For Abdel-Qader Ali there is only one regret: that he did not kill his daughter at birth. 'If I had realised then what she would become, I would have killed her the instant her mother delivered her,' he said with no trace of remorse.
OK. This story is old news. What’s also old news is that honor killings are a staple of the Islamic faith.
So it seems obvious. Right?
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
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Green Energy