Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: It’s Christians After All

Who would have thunk it! It was the radical Christians after all!
According to Islam Online, radical Christians are penetrating Britain. What is to become of that poor migrant inundated country?
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Afghan Christians Plead for Help as they are Exposed and Threatened with Execution From Watcher: Afghan Christians in exile are urging their fellow-Christians around the world to help stop the Afghan government from arresting and executing Afghan Christians....
Storm Track Infiltration: Colorado Comes To Its Senses
At least one city Mayor has a backbone and sees the truth for what it is. Al Jazeera is a radical Islam propaganda machine and has no place broadcasting in this country. Read the rest at The Gathering Storm....
Winds Of War: Russian Church Fights Back
While the British Anglican Church spirals into dhimmitude and its own destruction, the Russian Orthodox Church will have none of it. The Moscow Patriarchate urged Christians who are scared of increasing Islamic influence in Europe protect values of traditional...
Storm Track Disinformation: Useful Idiots For Islam Or Just Plain Stupidity?
In case you missed it, Christiane Amanpour of CNN is doing a three part series called ‘Gods Warriors’ – an exercise in moral equivalency. I know you’re not surprised. Coming to the defense of this blatant piece of Liberal disinformation that...
Storm Track Disinformation: Muslim Cleric Nixes Valentine’s Day
I am posting this for WC at The Gathering Storm: Storm Track Disinformation: Muslim Cleric Nixes Valentine’s Day Could Islam get any more constipated? Not that fundamental Christians who believe the celebration of Halloween is an act of devil worship...
Green Energy