Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: Peace is NOT the Absence of War

Those in the peace movement suffer under a major misunderstanding about peace.
In an article in Dissident Voices, the writer states:
Men keep going to war. They go for many reasons. The only defensible reason, however, is self-defense – of one’s family, one’s community, one’s country.
Typical of a liberal mind. If it were true that the only reason to go to war was for self-defense then we would never had helped Germany and Japan - and by the way, just about any enemy we ever fought - reestablish its nation after we defeated it. The logic of the article would follow that we smash and eradicate the nation so it can never threaten us again.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Intimidation: Shake A Hand, Get A Disease?
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Green Energy