Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: Why the Twains Will Never Meet

East is East and West is West, Mark Twain said, and the twains shall never meet. It’s also true about liberals and conservatives. I’ve given up on any possibility of the two ever finding common ground because they don’t seek a common language. Especially when one suffers from absolute semantic blindness.
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The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Appeasement: Liberals – Stuck On Stupid
From the “Liberals Don’t Have a Clue” department. The stupidity – and hypocrisy of the liberal mind has no bounds. Most the stupidity comes from inability of liberals match cause with effect. Two cases in point. Read the rest at The Gathering...
The Liberal Blunders Of The 2008 Campaign
It’s been said before and I’ll say it again. What separates liberals from conservatives is that liberals feel and conservatives think. Nothing proves this better than their inability to realize the consequences of their actions. The 2008 Democratic...
Storm Track Disinformation: The Language Of Jihad
I’ve been waiting to see the analysis of the letter from the 138 Muslim leaders call for common ground with Christians before I blogged on it. Many of the Christian leadership and political pundits shot from the hip and said this was a peaceful overture...
Alliance Of The Pristinians
(Note: this post dates originally from August 24, but I was only just today invited to contribute to IBA. I decided to post it because it’s one of my most important and, I think, best done so far. —ZY) In this post I cover another important unholy...
Storm Track Disinformation: Al-reuters & Al-ap Photo Fraud
From The Gathering Storm We’ve all seen the recent attempts at faux photography that Al-Reuters has done to slant the Israel-Lebanon conflict. has compiled an excellent slide show of the photo frauds that Reuters and AP has committed over the...
Green Energy