Green Energy
Storm Track Infiltration: Muslim Women Betrayed By Their Doctors

What’s with Muslim doctors? Have they never heard of the Hippocratic Oath? Or is it the Hypocrisy Oath to them?
It seems their religion comes first and their patient second. Young women fleeing forced marriages are being betrayed by GPs and benefits staff who "collude" with families to return them against their will.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Intimidation: Pakistan-keeping ‘em Fat, Dumb And Pregnant
Allah forbid, if women are educated. They just might see the hypocrisy of Islam. So Our ally in the war against Islamism is making sure that women are kept dumb. In Pakistan, the Islamists want to replace the infidel curriculum with a more Islamic one...
Storm Track Disinformation: Don’t Count On Muslim Women
Think Muslim women are the answer to reforming Islam? Think again. Many pundits believe that if we would only get Muslim women to demand that their shackles be removed from them, this could be one path to the reformation of the mid-evil religion of Islam....
Storm Track Appeasement: Elections Canada Folds Under Sharia Law
The 'faceless voting' position of the dhimmis at the Elections Canada has undermined electoral integrity and equality before the ballot box. The new policy of Elections Canada allows Muslim women to wear identity-concealing face veils, including...
Storm Track Infiltration: Separate Swimming Pools For Muslims
It seems not even New Zealand is being spared from creeping Sharia law. Muslim women there are seeking their own swimming pools. There are calls for special pool facilities to be set up for Muslim women so they can swim without compromising their...
How Muslim Women Are Let Down By Us
USA Today has got interesting and disturbing news: Young Muslim women in Europe go to extremes to be virgins — again Photo: Michel Euler, AP Dr. Emmanuelle Piet, who has been issuing five to six virginity certificates a year for three decades, poses...
Green Energy