Storm Track Infiltration: The Myth of Multiculturalism
Green Energy

Storm Track Infiltration: The Myth of Multiculturalism

From The Gathering Storm

Last week I had Pastorius from the IBA on my Gathering Storm talk show. We spoke of many things but one bit of conversation clarified something about the myth of multiculturalism. Both of us being recovering Liberals, we spoke about the opinion and beliefs we held back then. One of them was the multiculturalist’s belief in cultural equivalency.

I spoke about a book I read back in the 70s that had a picture of a group of Australian Bushmen. Under the picture of these primitive men dressed in loincloths and holding spears was the statement “These me can fly the Apollo spacecraft”. The quote was right. The Bushmen could mostly probably be trained to fly the Apollo spacecraft. But as Patorius said, “Yeah, but they can’t build it.’

And right there the balloon popped on the myth of multiculturalism. Multiculturalists are correct that individuals are equal - but cultures are not. That’s the progressive Left’s mistake and the mistake of the multiculturalists.

Islamic culture is not equal to the Judeo-Christian culture of today. Compare those living under both of these cultures and you will see that those that live in a culture dominated by Western Civilization’s methods and mores are far more superior to anything the Islamic culture had created over the last 500 years.

When not claiming to be the victim, Islam is seeking to dominate. Or in the words of the Church of England’s only Asian bishop, whose father converted from Islam, “Muslims are schizophrenic - they desire both 'victimhood and domination'.”

'Their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when Muslims are victims, as in Bosnia or Kosovo, and always wrong when the Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists, as with the Taliban or in Iraq. 'Given the world view that has given rise to such grievances, there can never be sufficient appeasement and new demands will continue to be made.'

Perhaps we should learn from a 65-year-old Pakistani-born Kanwar, who immigrated to Canada in 1966. "Multiculturalism creates nations within a nation and divides the loyalty of people. It allows people to marginalize themselves.”

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