Green Energy
Storm Track Infiltration: When Worlds Collide

What do you get when you cross a Muslim nuclear physicist working on classified military projects and a Muslim chaplain who administers to prisoners?
A problem.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Intimidation: Allah Don’t Toot
Is there any kind of pleasure at all that Allah will allow? What a constipated religion. This from Indonesia – yeah – that moderate Muslim country. Read the rest at The Gathering Storm....
Storm Track Intimidation: Muslim Dating Leads To Lawsuit
This from the 'I told you so' department.We’ve had Cassandra, author of “Escape! From an Arab Marriage: Horror Stories of Women Who Fled From Abusive Muslim Husbands” several times on the Gathering Storm Radio Show telling hair raising tales...
Winds Of War: Muslim Culture Or Islamic Religion?
A few weeks ago Saleem Siddiqui of HotConflict was on our Gathering Storm Radio Show. We discussed Islam and Muslim behavior and at one point we asked him why the recent unrest of the Muslim in non-Muslim countries. For example, making demands on those...
Storm Track Infiltration: Separate Swimming Pools For Muslims
It seems not even New Zealand is being spared from creeping Sharia law. Muslim women there are seeking their own swimming pools. There are calls for special pool facilities to be set up for Muslim women so they can swim without compromising their...
Storm Track Disinformation: Hamas - Terrorist Or Civil Rights Organization?
From the Associated Press article. In an emotional appeal to jurors on Wednesday, Abdelhaleem Ashqar’s attorney (Ashqar and others are on trial in Chicago for a variety of criminal violations including furnishing money and recruits to Hamas), William...
Green Energy