Green Energy
Stupid art is objectively pro-Nazi
From Zombie:
Tell me: How could the French government countenance this art installation, which manages to be both juvenile and deeply insulting at the same time? :
Exhibit marks 67th anniversary of D-Day landings

An installation of 1,000 casts of Russian, German and American combat helmets of WWII which also represent turtles, to denounce global violence, created by French artist Rachid Khimoune, is seen on Omaha Beach in Colleville sur Mer, western France, Sunday, June 5, 2011 at the eve of the D-Day Anniversary. Photo: Vincent Michel / AP

COLLEVILLE-SUR-MER, France (AP) — French artist Rachid Khimoune has installed 1,000 sculptures shaped like sea turtles on Omaha Beach to mark the 67th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
The turtles’ “shells” are molded from American, Russian and German combat helmets, sprouting flippers and long-necked heads. The sculptures were arranged Sunday along the sandy expanses of Omaha Beach — where the Allies won a pivotal victory against the Nazis.
I ask you: So, would the artist prefer that the Allies had refrained from committing any icky violence and instead not invaded Normandy, so as to preserve peace? In which case, France would to this day be called Frankenreich, the western province of Greater Germany?
Go read the whole thing from Zombie.
Vinnie at Jawa appropriately responds:
... of course he prefers that we had refrained. If you read his bio on his website that I won't link to it says that he was born of Kabyl parents. Kabyl is a region of Algeria.
So I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he's also Muslim, and we all know how well the Muslims and Nazis got along.
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