Green Energy
Sunday in the Park with SIOA

Nothing you can't see on lots of other sites but here's a picture montage from Sunday's protest rally. That's me with Pam, wearing my OMG it's 30 mph windy out here and I left my hat in the car look.
Obama's BFF Erdogan: “Nobody can intimidate us, We don’t take orders or instructions from anybody except from God” From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:Turkish government supporters gather in IstanbulObama's BFF Erdogan: “Nobody can intimidate...
You Just Can't Make This Shit Up. . .
HEY! HAVE YOU DUMBASSES HEARD ABOUT A SITUATION IN A PLACE CALLED LIBYA? Activists rally in DC to mark Iraq War anniversary WASHINGTON—Several hundred anti-war demonstrators are protesting in a park near the White House to mark the eighth...
Where's Mohammed?
From Atlas Shrugs: I understand their fear, but my question to all of these cowards is, isn't the alternative more frightening? Isn't the ascension of sharia and blasphemy laws more frightening than publishing a silly toon?...
September 11, 2010: Rally against the Ground Zero mosque The rally will be at 3PM on the corner of Park Place and West Broadway. Get your rally gear designed by my friend Watcher, at Eye on the World: And much, much more... And much, much more......
This Week's Cover Of Newsweek
This week is one of the holiest seasons of the Christian calendar as Christians throughout the world hold various services and celebrations related to Holy Week. Yesterday was Maundy Thursday, today is Good Friday, tomorrow is Holy Saturday, and Sunday...
Green Energy