Green Energy
Support By Party (US) of Israel & Palestinians
Here is an interesting post from Daniel Pipes regarding the disparity of support for the Israelis vs. support for the Palestinians by party affiliation in the US. It's hardly a surprise, but it's still very, very sad to see it all graphed out and researched like this and confirms what many of us have already suspected:
Pipes:It's hardly news that Republicans view Israel more favorably than do Democrats – I wrote about this pattern in 2000 in "The Friendly Republicans" and have even speculated (in "Arabs and Jews Sorting Themselves Out Politically in the United States?") that Jews will eventually settle in the Republican party. But now the Gallup Poll provides more detailed proof than ever before about the calibrations of American attitudes toward the Jewish state. In an article titled "Republicans and Religious Americans Most Sympathetic to Israel," Frank Newport and Joseph Carroll establish its nearly linear quality from right to left. Here are replies to the question, "In the Middle East situation, are your sympathies more with the Israelis or more with the Palestinians?"

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Un Demands “cease Fire”
Does not mention HAMAS stopping rocket fire, or IDF leaving Gaza. (Must be created by Obama law writers) No matter, HAMAS says no cease fire is possible unless the blockade of Gaza is lifted. I mean, HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO GET MORE ROCKETS AND CONCRETE...
American Support For Israel Very High
A new poll finds that plenty of Americans support Israel, and don't think the US should be leading any "peace process": A new poll shows that most Americans support Israel, but do not want the U.S. to take the lead in an Israeli-Palestinian peace...
Republicans Are Mostly Pro-israel; Democrats Are On The Fence, Isolating Their Jewish Voters
The bond between FDR and the massed jewish immigrants from 1880-1924 is DONE ZOGBY POLLING: This week's flare-up involving an Israeli raid and ensuing casualties on a Turkish ship en route to Gaza shows how torn the new Democratic coalition...
Poll Reveals Majority Of Americans Believe Israel Would Be Justified In Attacking Iran
That's the good news. The bad news is that an overwhelming majority (67%) of Republicans support Israel on that front, while only 47% of Democrats would give Israel such support. But, of course, as we already know, over 80% of Jews voted Democrat....
Rasmussen - Americans Closely Divided Over Israel's Gaza Attacks..huh???????
Huge victory for evil, MSM evils, elitist naive stupidity, ..on and on... Rasmussen reports the sickening numbers... Americans, while far more sympathetic to Israel than the Palestinians, are closely divided over whether the Jewish state...
Green Energy