Green Energy
Support Free Speech-- BUY DANISH! (more information)

Monsted Cavern from iGourmet
Monsted Cavern is so named because it is aged underground in the Monsted limestone cave in the central part of Denmark's Jutland peninsula. In this cave, a constant temperature of 45ºF and a constant humidity of 95% are naturally maintained year round. This climatic consistency yields an excellent product because the cheese is not subjected to environmental changes during aging. Monsted Cavern has a strong taste, and tickles the roof of your mouth like an aged Cheddar or Swiss. With a flavor all its own, Monsted Cavern is a surprisingly unique and delicious cheese.In addition to those mentioned in the original article posted here on IBA about the "Buy Danish" campaign, I have posted more information about specific products to look for in your local stores, as well as three sites for shopping for Danish products online.
This is a worthy cause-- let's all make plans buy more Danish Products.
A Suggestion Regarding Lars Hedegaard's Troubles
Frank Gaffney has spoken about some setbacks last week in the war on terror and Islamic extremism, and also the conviction of Lars Hedegaard by a court in Denmark for offending Muslims. I have a suggestion, one that upholders of free speech everywhere...
Murder Planned On Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard
Today 5 men have been arrested in denmark for planning to murder world-famous cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. It was Westergaard who drew the famous cartoon of muhammed with the bomb in the turban. All 5 are muslims. 3 of them have danish citizenship. Two...
Auction Houses Dare Not Sell Original Danish Muhammed Cartoons
The original danish Muhammed cartoons are for sale. But several estimated danish auction houses dare not put them on auction. “It would be stupid to provoke the muslims again they say.” One dane bought one of the cartoons in november 2005 for 15.000...
Cause And Effect
As Motoon Rage part II is gearing up it seems that the haystack on the back of a camel named 'European tolerance' is getting dangerously heavy. In Iran the Danish embassy was fire bombed as Iranian PMs urged Ahmedinejad to institute a boycott...
Support Denmark, Don't Buy Arla Foods
All of you who want to support Denmark by buying Danish goods, do not support Arla Foods (dairy products). They have been the wimpest of all the affected danish companies. They cried out loud how much money the now lose and that the Danish goverment had...
Green Energy