Swedish MP Calls Islam The “Religion Of Peace”… Reported To Police For “Inciting Racial Hatred”
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Swedish MP Calls Islam The “Religion Of Peace”… Reported To Police For “Inciting Racial Hatred”

This is what happens. Some categories have a negative perception built in. When this is the case, we have to continue changing the name every time public awareness catches up with the perception.

For instance, we used to call Developmentally Disabled people, "morons", "imbecile", and "retarded people". These were the words that were used by the people who cared for the Developmentally Disabled.

But the words had to be changed, because they began to be used for mockery.

Likewise, the term "Religion of Peace".

Everyone now knows what that means. It means Jihadist fuckwad.

So when we say the phrase "Religion of Peace", yeah, it's used as mockery for a thing that deserves to be mocked.

Our government caused the problem by lying to us for the past 13 years, saying over and over that Islam is a Religion of Peace.

(AFP) – A Swedish member of parliament reported a far-right leader to the police on Friday for alleged incitement to hatred over a comment related to the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. 
In a Facebook comment to an article on the killings at the French satirical weekly’s office Wednesday, the party secretary of the Sweden Democrats Bjoern Soeder wrote “‘The religion of peace’ shows its face.” 
“He has linked practising Muslims to a terrorist act, it’s extremely offensive,” Veronica Palm, from the ruling Social Democratic party told TV4 news. 
“This statement is offensive to a group of people and I want to see if it comes under laws against inciting racial hatred,” said Palm. 
Soeder is also a deputy speaker of the Swedish parliament where his anti-immigration party doubled its support to 13 percent in a September election — making it Sweden’s third political party.

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