Green Energy
Take The Mullahs Out, Tonight

Yes, it's a date ...
with destiny:
To think clearly about the looming crisis with Iran, close your eyes and imagine that you’re standing outside your children’s school. It’s 2:55pm, and you’re chatting amiably with other parents while waiting for the 3pm bell to ring. Suddenly you see a man running toward the school, holding a hand grenade and shouting: “I hate kids. I welcome death.” Now, what do you propose to do?Read the rest at The American Thinker.
Uk: Students Publicly Humiliated By School Because Parents Refused Permission For Mosque Visit
Kunt Smith, the chairman of governors for the Lostwithiel School, said parents expressed concerns about the teaching of Islam at the schoolShe sent them anyway Students Publicly Humiliated by School Because Parents Refused Permission...
School Filing ‘racial Discrimination’ Against Students Who Refuse Muslim Education
Is This Some Sort of Common Core Crap? From American News: Parents of students at Littleton Green Community School were outraged after they found out that if their children decided not to attend a controversial field trip, they would be officially deemed...
Obama, Americans ‘lazy’ And Now ‘stupid’?
So earlier this week we have (despite pathetic denials by the DNC) Obama calling us lazy (note link is no less than HuffPo, not exactly the National review).And now….Obama To Aussie Students: Our Kids are Behindby Keith Koffler on November 17, 2011,...
"put Your Hand Up If You Hate Jews"
You'll notice that when the parent supposedly corrected the pupils, he advised them they should hate the IDF, not Jews. I'm not sure I understand why Muslim parents are being invited into schools suggesting that children hate anything. Ahh, no...
Teacher Suspended For Punishing Boys Who Refused To Kneel To Allah
Good. Considering the fact she violated their human right to Freedom of Conscience, it is possible she ought to lose her job. However, the school is claiming the suspension "is not a disciplinary measure." Maybe the school itself ought to be de-commissioned....
Green Energy