Tea Party!
Green Energy

Tea Party!

Lots of Tea Parties today. This is not going gently into the good night.

Harrisburg from Reynolds

Green Bay from Malkin
In Green Bay, Wisconsin, today an estimated 500 protesters gathered for a Tea Party at Titletown Brewing

. . .protesters underscored a theme hammered here over the past year — blasting Bush for pre-socializing the economy for Obama:

The event, organized by the Commonwealth Foundation, a politically conservative group, and two local radio talk show hosts, was called the “Harrisburg Tea Party.”

“These are people who believe in limited federal and state government, but who think government has overstepped its limited role in our lives,” said foundation President Matthew

Speakers and participants denounced both Republicans, such as former President George Bush and Sen. Arlen Specter, and Democrats, such as President Barack Obama and Gov. Ed Rendell.

They disliked Mr. Bush’s actions last fall to give federal money to banks that had made poisonous home loans, and criticized Mr. Obama for spending additional billions of taxpayer dollars to prop up General Motors and Chrysler, to help over-leveraged homeowners trying to avoid foreclosure and to help deficit-ridden states with his $787 billion economic stimulus program.

and 15,000 in Fullerton Ca. (Gateway is skeptical of the number)
They are reporting that 15,000 people turned out at the Fullerton, California Tea Party Protest today.There were thousands there anyway:

from a Commenter at Michelle Malkin

On March 7th, 2009 at 6:42 pm, Pat said: I tried to get to the KFI tax protest, and it’s too full!! People are walking in from lots blocks away. There are literally thousands of people in their cars waiting to get to the site and filling the sidewalks. They are ANGRY!

For new readers who are just learning about the protest movement and want to join, the best organizational resources are Tax Day Tea Party (nationwide April 15 events), Twitter #teaparty, PJTV’s list of upcoming protests, Re-TeaParty (send teabags to Washington and find July 4 events), and TCOT Report. And one more good one: New American Tea Party.

- San Francisco: Tea Party And Occupy Movement Join Forces In Anti-obama Rally
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- The Tea Party Is Not Really Racist! Who Knew!?
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- Racist Whacko Fringe Alert:thirty-five Percent (35%) Of Mainstream Voters View Themselves As Tea Party Members -rasmussen
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- Going Galt
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