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Terror Moves Into the White House?

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More on Obama's radical terror connections here. The world's terrorists suffered a blow when Red Ken Livingstone was ousted from the London mayorship. What a coup for the cause of terror to find a friend in the US White House?
The calculus of appeasement suggests that being good to terrorists means that they will bomb someone else other than you. That would be assuming that current terrorists are the ones you should be fearing. Not a wise assumption.
The US Democratic Party has become a political party of appeasement to the enemies of human rights and freedoms. Regardless of which candidate they choose, they will be starting from the moral low ground.
There has always been a subtext of anti-government resentment among many US taxpayers and solid citizens. If the US government is taken over by stylish apologists for anti-American terror, watch that resentment grow.
"We are the ones we have been afraid of. Test us, and discover why."
H/T StonedCrab
Previously published at abu al-fin
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